Apostle Evangelist Francis Agyinasare

Apostle Evangelist Francis Agyinasare

Senior Pastor of the French Church of the Perez Dome in Accra
Administrative Manager of Precious TV

The Multilingual Healing Evangelist.

Apostle and Evangelist Francis Agyinasare is a highly anointed, very humble, multilingual  and  passionate young man who has been called to promote the Kingdom of God in the nations through preaching, teaching, healings and miracles, writing, and entrepreneurship.

Apostle Evangelist Francis Agyinasare has preached on many exalted pulpits including that of his Biological and Spiritual father, God's General, Daddy Bishop Charles Agyinasare. During a crusade help by the Agyinasare World Evangelist (AWE) in Abelenkpe, Accra Ghana, God, powerfully used Evangelist Francis to perform diverse kinds of miracles right at the mention of the name of Jesus. The tesimonies were so many. God moved powerfully !

Reverend Francis Agyinasare is the author of the book Upon Delilah's Knees: A Serious Call to Christian Holiness, and is the chief editor of his father Bishop Charles Agyinasare's books. He pastors the French Church of the Perez Dome in Accra, and is the Administrative Manager of Precious TV, a well known Christian Tv.


He holds a Bsc Business Management and French from the University of Surrey, UK, and an MSc Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation from EMLYON, France.


He is happily married to a beautiful wife, Mrs Kathryn Agyinasare.

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Apostle Evangelist Francis Agyinasare

Francis Agyinasare

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